
What a blessing you've given us here in this life! You wanted to do us a favor, To make it easy. You gave usLaws of natureAnd patterns in all the phenomenaAround usSo we can plan,Anticipate,And predictInstead of facing the unexpected at every turn. Of course,You canThrow the patternsOut of their order at any moment;(You've done... Continue Reading →

The Other One, Sky

Of the two women he knew,The first was earth,The other one, sky. And I don't mean the earth that promotes growth,Of nutrients and rebirth;No.Rather, I mean that of rotAnd of notHaving hope whilst in the dirt of the grave. Of the two women he knew,The first was earth,The other one, sky. That first one wasn't... Continue Reading →

Reading Together is Better

Assalamu Alaiykum ☁🕊☁ Alhamdulillah, I got a sudden idea to make a zoom meeting called:*Reading The Quran Daily In English For 15 Minutes* https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76875220402?pwd=R2dGUDNzZERrbXRRZnFabkpXTlh5UT09 I humbly invite anyone who would like to join. Here are further details: We will be reading aloud from the English version: The Qur'an: A New Translation by M. A. S.... Continue Reading →

Dear Terrorism

Click to Hear the Audio Version: https://soundcloud.com/fitful-fearful-phantasmal/dear-terrorism-original-poem-by-me Dear Terrorism, Maybe you believed you triumphed, but let me tell you you haven't. I know what it feels like when you put your all into something And you aren't successful. Yes, a lot of planning goes into carrying out the killing of innocents. So, I can only... Continue Reading →


I am having the best time of my life Right NOWwwwwwzzz!!!! Wow wow wow wow. I am just soooooo happy. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Hopefully I can share some more great news soon in Sha Allah. Take care! Sorry I've been neglecting my writing on both my blogs lately. Ramadan Kareem!!!

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